Looking for a specific memorial or tribute fund? The funds on this list have been set up by friends or loved ones to remember or honour someone special. They are often established in an area of interest or passion of the person being honoured.
Can’t find the fund you are looking for? Any type of gift can be designated as a memorial or tribute gift and can be made in support of any program or project at the University of Waterloo that inspires you. Click here to make a one-time memorial or tribute gift.
Arts Memorial Scholarship Fund
Andrew Levitt Award for Compassion
Andre Vorauer Memorial Fund
Andrea Linhofer Memorial Scholarship
Aziz Shallwani Memorial Fund
Barbara Sivak Memorial Award
Benjamin Plumb Memorial Graduate Scholarship
Brent McFarlane Track and Field Excellence Award
Brian Morris Fund
Bruce Mitchell Graduate Scholarship
Bruce Sharp P.Eng Memorial Engineering Bursary
Carey Bissonnette Memorial Scholarship
CJ Moore Memorial Award for Biomedical Engineering
Charlie Bayliff Memorial Award
David T. Carter Scholarship
Derick Wood Graduate Scholarship
Donald and Geraldine Beam Award
Donald J. and Kathleen D. McDougall Graduate Scholarship
Donald G. Craig Tribute
Dorrie Morrow Memorial
Doug T. Wright Memorial Fund
Ella Dinoi Architectural Design Excellence Fund
Emanuel Carvalho Scholarship in Arts and Business
Emily Ruston Mann Memorial Scholarship
Environment & Resource Studies Memorial Scholarship Fund
Eric Breugst International Exchange Award
Eric D. Soulis Tribute
Faculty of Mathematics Memorial Scholarship
French Studies Memorial Scholarship
Fine Arts Memorial Award
Gaby Barsky Memorial Scholarship
Gary Boug Memorial Football Excellence Award
Ginny Dybenko Experiential Learning Fund
Greg Zhang - e-Zinc Award for Capstone Design
Grant Russell Family Scholarship
Howard A. Backman Scholarship
Ian MacNaughton Memorial Fund
Igor Ivkovic Memorial Fund
Iranian Student Memorial Engineering Graduate Scholarship
Jack & Helen Adams Memorial Scholarship in Global Business and Digital Arts
Jack Pearse and David Hollinger Warrior Men's Golf Endowment
Jacob Hillerby Bursary
James Downey Entrance Scholarship in Arts
Janet Law-Yip Memorial Award
Jim Nickleson Fund
John Horton Memorial Scholarship
John Parish Memorial Scholarship
Jon Bennett Travel Bursary for Architectural Study
Kelvyn Lo Memorial Scholarship
Kish Hahn Memorial Award
Linda Carson Memorial Interdisciplinary Award
In Memory of Luigina (Gina) Sorbara
Mac Lewis Memorial Award in Classics
Mark Forster Memorial Fund
Mark Zanna Memorial Scholarship in Psychology
Mary Bland Engineering Award
Mary Ann Vaughan Athletics Excellence Award for Men's Hockey
Mary R. Hardy Graduate Award in Actuarial Science
Marzieh Foroutan Memorial Graduate Scholarship
Mike Moser Memorial Fund
Muriel Shepherd Scholarship Fund
Murray J. Burke Tribute
Paul Condon Waterloo Warriors Determined Athlete Award
Paul D. Brophy Tribute
Peter J. Belshaw Memorial Fund
Planning Class of 1974 Glen Schnarr Memorial Scholarship
Professor Safieddin (Ali) Safavi-Naeini Graduate Scholarship
Psychology Memorial Award
Raymond L. Legge Engineering Pride Scholarship
Robert J Le Roy Memorial Scholarship
Roger Dorton Memorial Fund
Safieddin (Ali) Safavi-Naeini Graduate Scholarship
Sarah Inam Memorial Award
School of Optometry and Vision Science Memorial Award
School of Planning Memorial Scholarship
Science Memorial Scholarship Fund
Sharon Lamont Student Award
Sofyan Taya Memorial Fund
Stephanie Ye Mowe Memorial Fund
Steve Plaice Memorial Scholarship
Sunny Hon-Sum Wong Memorial Fund
Susan and Janos Aczel Graduate Scholarship
Systems Design Engineering Memorial Fund
Taymore Balbaa Memorial Fund
Terry Goodenough Memorial Cross-Country Excellence Award
Thomas A. Brzustowski Tribute
Uroosa Zaib Panjwani Memorial Scholarship
In Memory of Vincent Budac
William Medeiros Scholarship