I can’t find the memorial or tribute fund I am looking for. What should I do?
Please fill out our contact form and one of our team members will be in touch soon.
There is no named memorial or tribute fund for my friend or loved one but I still want to give. What should I do?
You can make a one-time memorial or tribute gift. Any type of gift can be designated as a memorial or tribute gift and can be made in support of any program or project at the University of Waterloo.
How can I set up a named memorial or tribute fund for my friend or loved one?
How can I dedicate a tree for my friend or loved one?
Please fill out our contact form and one of our team members will be in touch soon. A tree dedication costs $2,000.
Can I donate by cheque?
Yes. To do so, simply include a note with your cheque to let us know the name of the person you would like to pay tribute to and your choice of fund. If you would like us to notify the family or honouree that you have made a gift, please also include their full name and contact information.
Will my gift be receipted?
Yes. All gifts will be receipted in accordance with Canada Revenue Agency rules.
Will the family or honouree know that I have made a gift in their memory or honour?
If you make a one-time memorial or tribute gift, please include the name and full address of the person who you wish us to notify in the fields provided on the donation form. If you are giving to a memorial or tribute fund displayed on our memorial and tribute page, we will automatically notify the next of kin or honouree up until a year from the establishment of the fund. We will provide a list of donor names only; the amount of your donation will not be included.
Can I make an anonymous gift?
Yes. To remain anonymous, please check the box that says "I do not wish to be publicly recognized for this gift." when making your gift online. Unless you choose to remain anonymous, we will notify the family or honouree that you have made a gift.