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Selected Designations
Women in Physics & Astronomy Fund
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Please select one, or multiple funds that you wish to give to.
Faculty of Health
Andrea Fraser Memorial Scholarship
Canadian Index of Wellbeing - Trust
Centre for Community, Clinical and Applied Research Excellence Fund (CCCARE)
Faculty of Health (Area of greatest need)
Faculty of Health Expansion Building
Faculty of Health Scholarships Fund
Faculty of Health Student Experiential Learning Fund
Faculty of Health Undergraduate Bursary (former OTSS)
Fostering Leadership Opportunities (FLO) Fund
Kinesiology and Health Sciences Equipment Fund
Kinesiology and Health Sciences Program
Kinesiology and Health Sciences Scholarships
Kinesiology and Health Sciences Teaching Assistants Fund
Margaret Burnett Fund
Michael T Sharratt Award
Ontario Graduate Scholarships for Faculty of Health Fund
Recreation & Leisure Studies Program
Recreation and Leisure Studies Founders Entrance Scholarship
Recreation and Leisure Studies Scholarships
Robert A. Fern Memorial Award
Ron May Memorial Award
School of Public Health Sciences Building
School of Public Health Sciences General Fund
School of Public Health Sciences Scholarships
Warren Lavery Memorial Award
Faculty of Arts
Ali Arts Entrepreneurship Award
Anthropology Program
Ardeth Wood Memorial Graduate Bursary in Philosophy
Arts Co-Op for Social Good Fund
Arts Equipment and Technology Fund
Arts International Experience Award
Arts Memorial Scholarship Fund
Arts Resource Fund
Arts Scholarship Fund
Arts Undergraduate Bursary (fmr OTSS)
Ashok Kapur Entrance Scholarship
Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience Outreach Fund
Charles and Ian Lithgow Entrance Scholarship in Arts
Classical Studies Program
Classical Studies Study Abroad Program
David Nimmo & Lea Vogel-Nimmo Graduate Scholarship & Award
Don Royce International Experience Award
Drama and Speech Communication Scholarship Fund
Early Childhood Education Centre
Emanuel Carvalho Scholarship in Arts and Business
English Scholarship Fund
Eric Breugst International Exchange Award
Extended Learning Course Development Program for the Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Arts (Area of greatest need)
Faculty of Arts Distinguished Lecture in Economics
Faculty of Arts Graduate Enhancement Scholarship
Faculty of Arts Indigenous Initiatives Fund
Faculty of Arts Not-for-Profit Undergraduate Award
Faculty of Arts Research and Travel Grants Fund
Faculty of Arts Student Bursaries
Faculty of Arts Undergraduate Student Experiential Learning Awards
Fine Arts
Fine Arts Memorial Award
Fine Arts Scholarship Fund
Foundation for Palestinian Studies Fund
French Studies
French Studies Memorial Scholarship Fund
Friends of English Literature Endowment Fund
Fund for the Study of Writing
Gender and Social Justice Program
Germanic & Slavic Studies Department
Ginny Dybenko Experiential Fund
HEM History Scholarship for Academic Achievement and Community Service
Jewish Studies
KEMR Accessibility Award
Knowledge in Development Child Language Research Award
La Esperanza Undergraduate Bursary
Laura Lopez Kok Memorial Scholarship
Lawrence Haworth Prize in Philosophy
Longhouse Labs Capital Fund
Longhouse Labs Program Fund
Lorraine Nesbitt Memorial Fund
Mac Lewis Memorial Award in Classics
Manulife Financial Community & World Service Award
Mark Zanna Graduate Scholarship in Psychology
Masternak Foundation Graduate Scholarship in English
Masternak Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship in English
Muriel Shepherd Scholarship Fund
Northern Ontario Student Travel Grant
OGS Architecture
Pat Rowe I-O Psychology Graduate Scholarship
Patrick Hofmann International Experience Award
Paul D. Imrie Scholarship
Paul Seligman Memorial Scholarship
Peter Woolstencroft Canadian Politics Prize
Philosophy Department
Phyllis Young Forsyth Graduate Scholarship in Classical Studies
Political Science
Psychology Memorial Award
Ramakrishnan Award
Randy Bauslaugh Arts Entrepreneurship Award
Religious Studies Program
Richard Nutbrown Memorial Scholarship
Rick Haldenby Rome Award
Robert A. Fern Memorial Award
Robert Kerton Entrance Scholarship in Arts
Sally Weaver Memorial Graduate Award
Sarah Inam Memorial Fund
Serendipity Bursary
Sheila Ager Scholarship
Sociology Program
Stratford School of Interaction Design and Business Excellence Fund
Theatre of the Arts/ML Building Project
Undergraduate Senate Scholarship Fund for Arts
Undergraduate Senate Scholarship Fund for Economics
Undergraduate Senate Scholarship-Germanic & Slavic Studies
Uroosa Zaib Panjwani Memorial Award
Walrus Award in Political Science
Waterloo Centre for German Studies
Waterloo Institute for Hellenistic Studies Director's Fund
Wendy Mitchinson Graduate Award in History
William Medeiros Scholarship
Women's Studies Bursary Fund
Faculty of Engineering
4th year Project Lab naming in Engineering 6
Andrew Levitt Award for Compassion
Andy (Andreas) Baumgaertner Memorial Bursary
Architecture Student Lecture Fund
Arthur F. Church Entrance Scholarship
Aziz Shallwani Memorial Fund
Barry Bell Scholarship for Advanced Architectural Studies
Black and Indigenous Students Engineering Outreach Program
Bruce Sharp P.Eng Memorial Engineering Bursary
Catherine Booth and Michael Kirk Graduate Award
Chachra Family Entrance Scholarships
Chemical Engineering
Chemical Engineering Scholarships Fund
Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering Scholarships Fund
CJ Moore Memorial Award for Biomedical Engineering
Class of 1970 Chemical Engineering Scholarship
Class of 1977 Systems Design Engineering Award
Class of 1978 Mechanical Engineering Bursary
Class of 1985 Mechanical Engineering Entrance Bursary
Class of 1986 Mechanical Engineering Scholarship
Class of 1988 Mechanical Engineering "BatMech" Award
Class of 1990 Systems Design Engineering Bursary
Class of 1997 Civil Engineering Award
Conrad Centre Advisory Board Scholarship
Conrad School of Entrepreneurship and Business
Construction Management Program
Department of Geological Engineering
Devani Charities Undergraduate Engineering Entrance Scholarship
Donald E. Grierson Memorial Award
Dr. Daleep Singh Memorial Award
Dr. Doug T. Wright Memorial Fund
Dr. Roger Dorton Memorial Fund
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering Excellence Fund
Elizabeth Alarie Memorial Scholarship
Engineer of the Future Endowment
Engineer of the Future Trust
Engineering 6: General Building Fund
Engineering 7 Ideas Clinic
Engineering Endowment
Engineering Equipment Fund
Engineering Equity Fund
Engineering Ideas Clinic Endowment
Engineering Ideas Clinic Program Fund
Engineering Library Acquisitions Fund
Engineering Outreach
Engineering Scholarships Fund
Engineering Science Quest Camp
Engineering Undergraduate Bursary (fmr OTSS)
Environmental Engineering Equipment Fund
Environmental Engineering Program
Equipment Fund for Civil Engineering
Equipment Fund for Electrical & Computer Engineering
Equipment Fund for Systems Design Engineering
Faculty of Engineering (Area of greatest need)
G.A. Paper International Graduate Scholarship
Graduate Scholarships for Engineering
Grand House Award
Gregory Zhang - e-Zinc Award for Capstone Design
H.K. Kesavan Legacy Fund
H.W. Vahlenkamp. Dipl. - Ing., P.E. Memorial Engineering Scholarship
Haitham Kamil Engineering Bursary
Howard Armitage Graduate Community Leadership Award
Igor Ivkovic Memorial Fund
Iranian Student Memorial Engineering Graduate Scholarship
Jack Wiseman Award
Janet Aizenstros Engineering Scholarship
Janet Law-Yip Memorial Award
Kanagampikai Suntharampillai Entrance Bursary
Keith Carr Memorial Endowment Scholarship
Kelvyn Lo Memorial Scholarship
Kevin Kimsa MBET Graduate Scholarship
Laurence Hamlin Memorial Award
Management Engineering Design Symposium Award
Management Sciences 50th Anniversary Fund
Management Sciences Program
Marga I. Weigel Engineering International Experience Award
Mary Bland Engineering Award
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering Scholarships
Mechanical & Mechatronics Undergradate Senate Scholarship Fund
Mechanical Engineering
Mechatronics Design Symposium Award
Med-Tech Innovation Grant for the Advancement of Women's Health
Nano Technology Program
Park and Veva Reilly Medal
Paul Koenderman Engineering Scholarship
Paul Niessen-Teck Award
Plumtree Graduate Scholarship in Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Professor James A.A. Field Graduate Scholarship in Electrical & Computer Engineering
Professor Kish Hahn Memorial Award
Professor Safieddin (Ali) Safavi-Naeini Graduate Scholarship
Professor Sofyan Taya Memorial Graduate Scholarship
QEII Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology for Electrical & Computer Engineering
Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology
Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology for Chemical Engineering
Raymond L. Legge Engineering Pride Award
Reinhold M. Schuster Graduate Scholarship
Richard (Rick) Matzeg Memorial Scholarship
Rod Kuehn Memorial Scholarship Fund
Roger Green Structural Design Award
SAE Formula Car Project
Sandford Fleming Foundation TA Award
School of Architecture Student Experience Fund
Soltani-Moossai Award
Systems Design
Systems Design Engineering Class of 1991 Award
Systems Design Engineering Memorial Fund
Systems Design Engineering Scholarships
Taymoore Balbaa Memorial Fund
Thomas G. Howe Memorial Scholarship
Tom McColeman Entrance Bursary
UW Alumni@Microsoft Engineering Undergraduate Scholarship
UW Alumni@Microsoft Women in Technology Scholarship
Venice Biennale - School of Architecture
Vision 2015 Campaign
Vision and Image Processing Lab (VIP Lab)
W.J. Beynon Memorial Entrance Scholarship
Waterloo Alumni@Microsoft Winter Garden Fund
Waterloo Engineering Endowment Foundation
Waterloo Engineering Student Teams
Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy Initiatives
Women in Engineering Bursary
Faculty of Environment
Barry Goodison Graduate Scholarship for Cryospheric Research
Bruce Mitchell Graduate Scholarship
Dean's Scholarship Fund
Department of Geography and Environmental Management (GEM)
Department of Knowledge Integration (KI)
Economic Development and Innovation Graduate Scholarship
Emily Ruston Mann Memorial Scholarship
Environment & Resource Studies Memorial Scholarship Fund
Environment & Resource Studies Undergrad Senate Scholarship Fund
Environment Student - Athlete Award
Environment Undergraduate Bursary (fmr OTSS)
Ethan Latifpoor-Keparoutis International Aviation Award
Ethan Latifpoor-Keparoutis Women in Aviation Award
Experiential Learning funds
Faculty of Environment (Area of greatest need)
Geography and Environmental Management Scholarship Fund
Global Citizen Internships (Faculty of Environment)
Heritage Resource Centre
Ian MacNaughton Memorial Fund
Jack and Jean Nicol Award
Jazz Aviation Pathway Awards for Professionalism
Jean Andrey Environment Leadership Scholarships
Joan Swanson Memorial Award
John Horton Memorial Scholarship
John McKay Memorial Award
Kearns Family Aviation Award
Knowledge Integration Entrance Scholarship
Living Wall Building Project
Lorne H. Russwurm Memorial Scholarship
Marzieh (Mari) Foroutan Memorial Graduate Scholarship
Robert S. Dorney Memorial Fund
School of Architecture Racial Equity and Environmental Justice Fund
School of Environment, Enterprise and Development (SEED)
School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability (SERS)
School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability Scholarships
SEED Scholarships
Shelley Ellison Memorial Scholarship
Steve Plaice Memorial Scholarship
Tao Shang Award
Tom Curry and Family Award
Waterloo Environment Student Endowment Fund
Faculty of Mathematics
Ailey Bailin Memorial Award in Actuarial Science
Applied Math Student Success Fund
Catherine Campbell Scholarship
CEMC Elementary School Innovation Fund
Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing (Faculty of Mathematics)
Combinatorics & Optimization Student Success Fund
Computer Science Equipment
Computer Science Graduate Endowment Fund
David Cheriton School of Computer Science
Derick Wood Graduate Scholarship in Computer Science
Descartes Foundation for Computer Science Scholarships
Devindra Shah Entrance Scholarship in Mathematics
Faculty of Mathematics
Faculty of Mathematics Experiential Student Success Fund
Faculty of Mathematics Graduate Research Excellence Award
Faculty of Mathematics Memorial Scholarship
Faculty of Mathematics New Building and Renovation Fund
Faculty of Mathematics Undergraduate Scholarships Fund
Frank Lun Scholarship for Excellence
Franklin B. Dana Memorial Bursary
Gaby Barsky Memorial Scholarship
Graduate Scholarships Fund for Statistics & Actuarial Science
Graduate Senate Scholarship Fund for Mathematics
Hershel and Mary Anne Harris Entrance Award
Ian Goldberg's Research Group in Computer Science
Ivor Chow Entrance Scholarship in Mathematics for Students from Asia
Jerald F. Lawless Graduate Scholarship in Biostatistics
John and Karen Wetmore Entrance Award
L. Gail Knight Mathematics Bursary
Mary E. Thompson Graduate Scholarship in Statistics
Mary R. Hardy Graduate Award in Actuarial Science
Masters of Quantitative Finance Program (MQF)
Math Endowment Fund (MEF)
Math Entrepreneurship Fund
Math Faculty Computing Facility
Mathematical Medicine Lab
Mathematics Contest Fund for CEMC
Mathematics Equipment Fund
Mathematics Graduation Committee Award
Ontario Graduate Scholarship for Pure Math
Ontario Graduate Scholarships for Mathematics
Ontario Graduate Scholarships: Computer Science
Paul Dirksen Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Computer Science
Ping Yang Graduate Memorial Scholarship
Pure Mathematics Department
Rees - Botzang Scholarship Fund
Rene Descartes Foundation
Rico Mariani Scholarship for Black and Indigenous Students in Computer Science
Rico Mariani Women in Computer Science Award
Robert Angus German Memorial Fund
Robert Brown Award in Actuarial Science
SAF International Experience Award
SAF Student Fellowship Endowment
SCiAN Services Scholarship for Excellence in Biostatistics
Scotiabank Entrance Scholarship for Black and Indigenous Students
Scotiabank Master of Mathematics for Teachers (MMT) Scholarship
Scott Kelsey Fevreau Memorial Award
Software Engineering Program
Statistics & Actuarial Science Student Success Fund
Stewart and Ann Kelland Award in Pure Mathematics
Susan and Janos Aczel Graduate Scholarship
Trudy Byma Entrance Scholarship
Undergraduate Senate Scholarship Fund for Mathematics
WATCOM Scholarship in Computer Science
Waterloo Alumni@Towers Watson Upper Year Actuarial Science Scholarship
Waterloo Women's Impact Network Diversity & Inclusion Fund (Math)
Weeks Family Perseverance Award
Weeks Family Perseverance Award (Trust)
William Tutte Centenary Undergraduate Scholarship
WMCTF Co-op Mathematics/Teaching Option Fellowship
Women in Computer Science Initiative
Women in Math Fund
Women in Mathematics Graduate Scholarships
Women in Mathematics Undergraduate Scholarship
Faculty of Science
Andre Vorauer Memorial Fund
Carey Bissonnette Memorial Scholarship
Centre for Environmental & Information Technology
Chemistry Equipment Fund
Chemistry Program Activation Fund
Chemistry Scholarship for Graduate Student Excellence
David Holden Memorial Scholarship
David M. Forget Memorial Award in Geology
Department of Biology General Fund
Department of Biology Scholarships
Department of Chemistry General Fund
Department of Earth Sciences Scholarship
Destination Physics Scholarship (Faculty of Science)
Distance Education Course Development Fund for Science
Don E. Irish Graduate Award
Duncan F. McIvor Memorial Award
E.B. Dumbroff Award in Plant Sciences
Earth 20 / 20 Endowment Fund
Earth Sciences Department
Earth Sciences Equipment Fund
Earth Sciences General Fund
Earth Sciences Museum
Earth Sciences Museum Endowment
Faculty of Science Distinguished Alumni of Honour Award
Faculty of Science Foundation
Faculty of Science General Fund
Faculty of Science Scholarships Fund
Faculty of Science Undergraduate Bursary
Gwilym Roberts Memorial Scholarship in Earth & Environmental Sciences
Herbert Fernando Memorial Award
Impact Biology Scholarship
Mik Pintar Scholarship in MRI Applications
New Science Building
Ontario Graduate Scholarship for Biology
Ontario Graduate Scholarships for Science
Ontario Graudate Scholarship for Physics
Peter J. Belshaw Memorial Fund
Physics & Astronomy Student Mentorship Fund
Physics Equipment Fund
Physics General Fund
Professor Thammaiah Viswanatha Memorial Graduate Award in Biochemistry
Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology for the Faculty of Science
R. N. Farvolden Scholarship
Ram & Lekha Tumkur Memorial Scholarship
Robert J. Le Roy Memorial Scholarship
SCI of Relief Fund
Science & Business Future Horizons Scholarship
Science Action Response Fund
Science Centre for Innovation
Science Equipment Fund
Science Memorial Scholarship Fund
Science Outreach Fund
Steven Fritz Memorial Scholarship
Undergraduate Senate Scholarship Fund for Biology
Undergraduate Senate Scholarship Fund for Chemistry
Waterloo Centre for Astrophysics
WatSEF Fund
Athletic Therapy
Athletics Development Fund
Bobby Bauer Memorial Athletics Excellence Award
Breen Family Women's Athletic Excellence Award
Brent McFarlane Track and Field Excellence Award
Brian Irvine Football Award
Brian Morris Fund
Callie Reagan Women's Hockey Award
Coach Dagg Football Excellence Award
Cross Country
Don Hayes Memorial Fund
Don McCrae Athletic Bursary
Don Mills Cross Country Award
Dr. Douglas Snyder Alumni Athletics Excellence Award
Fencing Program
Football Recruiting Excellence Fund
Gary Boug Memorial Football Excellence Award
General Football Award
General Men's Basketball Award
General Men's Hockey Award
General Men's Hockey Award
General Men's Rugby Award
General Men's Volleyball Award
General Women's Basketball Award
General Women's Hockey Award
General Women's Volleyball Award
Ho Student-Athlete Services & Intercollegiate Excellence Award
Jack Pearse and David Hollinger Warrior Men's Golf Endowment
Jim Nickleson Fund