Uroosa Zaib Panjwani Memorial Scholarship

the Uroosa Zaib Panjwani Memorial Scholarship
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Uroosa Zaib Panjwani stands in the atrium of the School of Accounting and Finance

Thank you for considering giving to the University of Waterloo in memory of Uroosa Zaib Panjwani. 

Quite simply, Uroosa was brilliant. Superlatives hardly do justice to describe the light that Uroosa brought into our lives, right up until her sudden passing on December 15th, 2017. For those of us lucky enough to have known her, Uroosa shone like a star, illuminating whomever’s path she crossed. 

A stellar student, she was a graduate of the Bachelor of Accounting and Financial Management (AFM) and Master of Accounting programs at the University of Waterloo, Class of 2016, and subsequently passed the Common Final Examination on her path to achieving her CPA designation. (Perennially understating her own talents, she famously asked that no one let her know of her achievement until several hours later). 

In her distinguished university career, she was a teaching assistant (in all but her first two years), assisting younger students through senior-level courses. A passionate advocate of children’s education, she was a founding executive of Believe4Kids, and always found time to volunteer at the Advanced Achievement Program as a language teacher. A regular name on the Honor Roll, her effervescent love of the law made the achievement of a Legal Studies minor a matter of inevitability. Uroosa co-authored a case study in her penultimate year as part of a business strategy course, before being asked to evaluate student presentations on it a year later. At the time of her passing, she had begun her career with CAPREIT as a corporate analyst.

In her short life, we were graced with a beautiful, genuine and extraordinary person – one so bafflingly unaware of her brilliance, that you were led to reconsider your own abilities in the presence of hers. 

With this memorial gift, we hope to forever memorialize all the love and light Uroosa gave to us, such that other students, too, may enjoy its radiance. 

Read "Eulogy for a Modern Type of Love

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