Financial barriers should never stand between great students and success
In the Faculty of Arts we strive to develop the whole student; one who succeeds academically and seeks out opportunities to apply their knowledge. When you enrich the student experience with scholarships and awards you provide financial stability and a vote of confidence in a student’s ability to succeed at Waterloo, both in the classroom and beyond.
With support of alumni, faculty, staff, retirees and friends, we are growing the scholarships and awards available to all students, and increasing our resources to support a strong academic experience.
Special thanks to the donors who established the following awards and funds in the last year.
New Awards
Sarah Inam Memorial Award
A citizen of the world, Sarah Inam (1984-2022) grew up living in Libya, Pakistan, and Canada before attending the University of Waterloo, completing both her undergraduate (2005) and Master’s (2007) degrees in Economics. She was a talented economist with a passion for education reform, employability and economic development initiatives, working with governments across the Gulf Region, Pakistan and Canada. Kind, gentle and beautiful, Sarah loved history, economics and religion. She was a thinker and a voracious reader. She touched the hearts and enriched the lives of everyone who met her before she lost her life to domestic violence. Sarah’s brother (Omer), mother (Kaukab), along with other family and friends, have established this award in honour of Sarah, and to support the next generation of economists.
An award, valued at $2,000, will be provided annually to a full-time undergraduate student enrolled the Department of Economics in the Faculty of Arts. Selection is based on academic achievement and demonstrated extracurricular involvement and/or participation in volunteer activities in the area of social justice. Gifts in support of the Sarah Inam Memorial Award can be made securely on-line.

Jean and Raymond Yu First Generation Award
Amanda Yu (MA '00, English Language and Professional Writing), a proud UWaterloo Arts alumnus, is establishing this award in honour of her parents, Jean and Raymond Yu. Immigrants to Canada, Jean and Raymond believed that the path to prosperity and success was through higher education. Their aspirations and example inspired Amanda and her siblings, ensuring that they would all attend university. In their honour, this award will support and recognize students who are part of the first generation in their family to attend post-secondary education.
An award, valued at $2,000, will be provided annually to a full-time undergraduate student enrolled in the Faculty of Arts or the Faculty of Health. Selection is based on academic achievement and an essay describing the impact this award will have on the student's ability to pursue their educational goals with preference given to students who are part of the first generation in their family to attend post-secondary education.

Stratford School GBDA Entrance Award
Too many of our most promising and motivated young people lack support to fully develop their potential. And when they miss out, we do too. To build genuinely accessible experiences, we need experienced designers from a wide range of backgrounds and perspectives. The Stratford School GBDA Entrance Award has been established to attract and recognize high-achieving students, including those who might otherwise not be able to attend the Stratford School. An award, valued at up to $10,000, paid in two equal instalments in year one and two, will be provided annually to an undergraduate student entering Year One of the Global Business and Digital Arts program. Selection is based on demonstrated financial need, as determined by Waterloo. Contributions to this award would be appreciated. Gifts can be made securely on-line.
New Fund
Faculty of Arts Co-op for Social Good Endowment Fund
The Co-op for Social Good program funds co-op positions at not-for-profit organizations who otherwise would not have the budget to participate. The program helps Arts students gain valuable work experience, learn how not-for-profits are advancing important social and cultural causes, develop future-ready skill-sets, and enrich their understanding of work and careers in the non-profit sector.
Thanks to a generous gift of $50,000 from alum Don Royce (BA '82, Economics), the Co-Op for Social Good Endowment Fund was established to sustain the program and generate high-performing leaders in the non-for-profit sector. Don is encouraging friends and colleagues in his network to match his generosity with a goal to raise a minimum endowment of $350,000.

Are you interested in supporting a fund or starting a scholarship? Let us know at or contact Kim Bardwell at 519-888-4567, ext. 47310.